Counseling for Women

Where Hope and Healing Begins

Online Therapy Serving Women in Pennsylvania, Florida, Delaware, Colorado, Ohio and South Carolina

Does fear paralyze you? Does it feel like your body is in overdrive? Is your brain constantly spiraling with anxious thoughts?

Do you find yourself at a transitional stage in your life – not knowing how to anticipate or prepare for the next part of your life? Are you starting college or a new career? Are you a new mom, a new caregiver to an aging parent or an empty nester?

Being a woman today is challenging. You are constantly bombarded with images of what your life “should” look like – that are often far from reality. You carry a heavy mental load from juggling the daily tasks of being a mom, employee, friend, wife, student, daughter, and sister. Sometimes, the weight of these expectations might cause you to feel that you are barely keeping your head above water…  how can you keep going like this?

The good news is that you don't have to. Life doesn't have to stay this way. There is hope for you. I can help.

Click Here to Get Started

Through counseling designed specifically for you and your unique needs, you will:

  • Recognize your unhealthy patterns of behavior
  • Learn to create space to handle difficult emotions
  • Identify and reframe harmful thoughts 
  • Discover how your body sensations play a critical role in your healing 
  • Increase self-confidence and minimize your inner-critic
  • Learn healthy communication strategies to improve your relationships so you can
    • Effectively say what you need
    • Purposefully say no to things that drain your energy

And above all, you will complete your time working with me with new insight, confidence, and tools to navigate the future seasons of your life. 

Click Here to Get Started

"Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn't you - all of the expectations, all of the beliefs - and becoming who you are."  Rachel Naomi Remen

About me image
I'm a Licensed Professional Counselor here to help women like you. Thank you for being here. Recognizing that you might benefit from counseling is a brave first step.  

I began my journey toward a career in counseling after my own experiences with childhood trauma, perfectionism, addictive behavior, disordered eating, infertility, and motherhood. It wasn’t until I went through the therapeutic process that I was truly able to heal from my past experiences.

I specialize in women’s issues – anxiety, depression, grief and loss, trauma, life transitions, relationship issues, parenting, self-esteem, and disordered eating. Besides being a Licensed Professional Counselor, I am a wife and a mom to 2 boys. For 15 years, I was also an educator and certified school counselor – with much of that time being spent dedicated to students with special needs. Because of my extensive background, I bring a broad range of experiences into my work as a therapist which helps in my understanding of what you are going through.

As your therapist, I strive to create a safe, warm, non-judgemental space for you. In our sessions, you are free to express your true self – through your words, feelings, and thoughts. You will be able to process, explore, and heal from past experiences that are holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself. I will guide you in discovering your strengths in order to develop a self-image that includes compassion and kindness for yourself. You will uncover a confidence that isn’t dependent on the opinion of others. I will help you learn about how your body responds to your thoughts and emotions so you can decrease stress and anxiety and have healthier behaviors.

Throughout therapy, I will incorporate principles from:
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral therapy
  • Narrative therapy
  • Mindfulness 
  • Inner Child Therapy
  • Somatic Therapy 
  • Emotion Focused Therapy
  • Person-Centered Therapy
  • Psychoanalytic Therapy 

By the end of our time together, you will learn how to listen to your body, to accept your thoughts as they are, and to be aware of your emotions that led you to unhealthy behaviors. You will learn self-compassion, healthy boundaries, coping skills, and practical tools to deal with life’s stressors.  You will emerge a well-connected and balanced version of yourself. I am so excited for you!

Please reach out today to schedule a free consultation to start your journey towards healing.

- Kim
                                                                        Click Here to Get Started

“A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life.” Chris Germer

Do you feel exhausted with the constant worry that is running around in your mind? Do you obsessively replay events that happened yesterday? Maybe you are always on edge. You cannot seem to shut your mind off. You avoid activities that make you nervous. You obsess over checking and organizing things. You have an excessive fear of getting sick. Are your loved ones telling you that you worry too much? Does the worst possible scenario often play out in your brain?

If this sounds like you, you are not alone. Through therapy, you will gain awareness of the causes of your anxiety and insight into your unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors. You will learn how to use mindfulness to bring awareness to the present moment so your body and mind can feel safe without needing to retreat into the past or future. I will teach you how to be non-judgemental of your thoughts, accepting them as they are.

Together, we will work to build a new mindset with increased awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. With this new shift in thinking, you will be released from the weight of anxiety bringing freedom for your mind and peace for your body.

Are you a Christian looking to integrate your faith into counseling? Do you have hurt from the church or other relationships and now question God? Has a loss or an illness made it difficult to continue to have hope in God? Faith and religion can feel messy, and therapy is a safe space to process this.

As a Christian myself, I understand the brokenness of the world and the complexities between God, church, and religion. I have a Biblical Leadership degree and have worked in ministry for many years which gives me the education, understanding and experience to incorporate Biblical principles, truth, and prayer into our sessions. I will give you the space to freely discern questions about suffering, uncertainty, fear, doubt, purpose, and faith.

Through Christian counseling, you will physically, emotionally, and spiritually process the psychological pain of your past to facilitate healing through the light of Christ. It is my goal that after our time together, you will have a renewed sense of hope and faith in God.

Do you feel that your child is not responding well to your boundaries? Maybe you don’t even know what limits to put in place with your kids. Do you need help with parenting strategies that actually work? As parents, the struggles that we experience with our children often bring up our own personal insecurities and issues. Kids can bring out both the best and the worst in us.  

Common parenting topics addressed in therapy:
+ Positive parenting strategies
+ Healthy communication with children
+ Boundaries and discipline
+ Personal growth and identity as a parent

In therapy, I will help you understand your child, their development, and their behavior in a way that is supportive of their growth. I will teach you positive parenting strategies as well as how to set appropriate boundaries and limits. This will minimize chaos in your home and allow you to form a deeper and more trusting relationship with your child.

Does your heart start to race when you encounter certain situations or people? Does your body tell you something might be wrong before your mind does? There is a strong connection between your mind and body that often goes unrecognized.

Through therapy, you will learn how your thoughts influence your emotions and body sensations. You will learn to be mindful- to be present and feel safe in your body. You will begin to tolerate uncomfortable feelings, decreasing physical symptoms of anxiety, and experiencing contentment in your body.

Are you constantly thinking about food? Does the scale dictate what your mood will be? Perhaps you force yourself to exercise for hours on end when you ate "too much." Or maybe you are always on a diet, desperately seeking a quick fix to finally make you feel better about your body? The truth is food is meant to nourish your body, not cause distress to it.

Disordered eating and preoccupation with food and your body can be caused by a disconnection between your mind and physical self and avoidance of your emotions. Through therapy, we will focus on shifting your patterns of thinking about food and movement to bring about kindness toward your body – creating a healthier relationship with you, your body, and food. You will learn body acceptance and neutrality, and how to be compassionate to yourself.
Through a deep analysis of the family that you grew up in, you will uncover beliefs and narratives that were ingrained in you as a child.  Oftentimes, these story patterns that emerge in your adult life are a direct reflection of your childhood – sometimes helpful, sometimes hurtful.

Some Examples of Early Life Challenges:
- Childhood trauma (physical, sexual or emotional abuse)
- Critical or dismissive parenting styles in childhood
- Living in a chaotic, fear-based environment in childhood
- Death or a long-term illness of a parent, sibling, or loved one
- Witnessing volatile, interpersonal conflict between parents
- Boundary violations and codependencies

During therapy, I use techniques such as narrative storytelling, re-parenting your inner child, and psychoeducation. By learning about your past, being kind to yourself and reframing the negative core beliefs you have, you will create a new pattern of thoughts that move you toward your goals. You will create a new storyline for both you and the little girl inside of you.

Do you struggle to set boundaries in relationships? Are your relationships with others marked by conflict, or do you try to avoid disagreements altogether? Are you a people-pleaser putting everyone else's needs before your own, causing you to feel emotionally drained and resentful? Maybe you have surface level friendships, unable to make deep connections, so you wonder if you will ever feel fulfilled.  Perhaps you are in a relationship where you cannot trust your partner or where you’ve been mistreated, but cannot seem to end the relationship. Emotional abuse is a common symptom in unhealthy relationships and setting clear boundaries is critical to healing.

In therapy, you will learn how to set healthy boundaries that protect you from harmful relationships. You will be able to identify patterns to stop the repeated cycle of abuse. You will be empowered to use effective communication skills to clearly express your needs – while saying “no” to harmful relational patterns. You will work to build life-giving and meaningful relationships in your life.

Are you entering a new phase of life?
+ College
+ Motherhood
+ Marriage
+ New Career
+ Kids moving out
+ Divorce
+ Caregiver to aging parents
+ Retirement

Life is hard. Life is especially hard when our “normal” gets shaken up. Whether the change is wanted or not, these shifts from one season of life to the next are challenging.

Through individualized therapy, I will create a safe space for you – whether you need to grieve the loss of the last season or prepare for the one to come. You will be free to process and explore the past while planning and dreaming for the future. During our time together, it is my hope that you will create a healthy “new normal” for this season of your life.

​​​​Does the heaviness of grief after the death of a loved one weigh you down? Are you unable to get rid of the intrusive thoughts from a traumatic childhood event? Or maybe you are experiencing a different type of grief - the loss of the image of how you thought your life was supposed to be.

Grief and loss can come in many different forms:
- Death of a loved one
- Loss of a relationship
- Losing a job or primary role
- Divorce
- Infertility or pregnancy loss
- Chronic Illness or physical limitations

Through specific grief and trauma interventions, I will create a space where you are free to feel all of your emotions. Grief is not linear. You can move from contentment to anger to sadness in a moment, and this is normal. I will help you to see that it is ok to not be ok. I will guide you to discover a life where sadness and joy can co-exist. You will be able to process your feelings in a safe, non-judgmental space that will allow you to process your loss, experience the waves of grief as they come, and find glimpses of joy in life again.

What is a women's counselor?

Through my professional experience, I have learned that I thrive working with other women. I have narrowed my specialty down to women’s issues to provide specialized, professional, and expert therapeutic services to women.

How long are sessions, and how often do we meet?

My sessions are 45 minutes. Depending on your needs and goals will determine how frequently we meet. 

How does payment work?

I charge $100 per session. I accept private pay clients through cash, check, or credit card (Visa, Master Card, and Discover). I do not accept insurance, but my rates may be comparable to your insurance co-pay. A few benefits to private pay for you to consider:
  •  You do not need a diagnosis code for therapy – therefore, you don't need a label of a specific diagnosis in order to see me. 
  • YOU determine how many sessions you need; not the insurance company. 

What if I have an emergency?

In case of emergency, please call 911 or proceed to your nearest ER. I am not able to be on call 24/7 in case of emergencies. Please feel free to call on the next business day.

What should I expect at my first session?

During the first session, we will get to know each other by reviewing the health questionnaire you fill out prior to coming. We will begin to explore your needs and goals for therapy. This will be the time for you to ask any questions that you might have about the therapeutic process.  Payment is due at the first session.

Where do we meet?

I have a virtual practice, where I currently provide teletherapy for women in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Florida, Colorado and South Carolina.  I will send you a secure link for our sessions via psychology session. I have found that teletherapy is just as valuable as in-person treatment. We will be able to connect and form a meaningful relationship. This provides us with location and time freedom! I do ask that you are in a stable location for our sessions – I cannot complete sessions while you are driving!

What is a good faith estimate, and will I receive one?

 A “Good Faith Estimate” explains how much your medical care will cost. Under the law, health care providers, including therapists, need to give patients/clients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance, an estimate of the bill for medical items and services.  The Good Faith Estimate will provide information on your expected out-of-pocket costs.  As my client, you will receive your Good Faith Estimate when you get your initial intake packet to fill out.
Highlighted Trainings image
  • Anxiety and Stress Management Training Specialist
  • Enduring Childhood Trauma and Healing Family Pain
  • Exposure and Response Prevention 
  • Food for Thought. Eating Disorders through a Trauma-Informed Lens
  • Grief and Loss Training
  • Neurobiology of Trauma
  • Trauma and Crisis Training Specialist
  • Understanding Trauma in the Body
  • Women and Mental Health

  • Ridley Park, PA, USA

Pennsylvania, Florida, Delaware, Colorado, Ohio, South Carolina



Thoughts, Feelings, & Behaviors

Body Image & Disordered Eating


Grief and Loss




Suicide and Mental Health